Bột ăn dặm chuối lê(8tháng)

  • Giá sản phẩm 380.000 VNĐ
  • Hãng sản xuất
  • Giá khuyến mại 355.000 VNĐ
  • Chất lượng
Mua hàng
Bột ăn dặm chuối lê cho bé từ 8 tháng:
Bột dinh dưỡng làm từ sữa và ngũ cốc, có chứa vitamin và khoáng chất để giúp hấp thu các chất dinh dưỡng cần thiết. Sắt góp phần phát triển trí tuệ của trẻ. Vitamin D, canxi và phốt pho ,giúp thúc đẩy tăng trưởng chiều cao cho trẻChất béo làm từ kem(grädde), dầu hạt cải và dầu hướng dương rất quan trọng cho sự phát triển của trẻ.
Thành phần: Vớt bột sữa, bột mì, bột yến mạch, kem 9,5%, bột mì, nước ép quả lê 8,5%, dầu hạt cải 7,5%, dầu hướng dương 7,5%, chuối 6%, protein sữa, khoáng chất (canxi, sắt, kẽm, i-ốt), các vitamin (A, D, E, C, thiamin, niacin, B6, folate, vitamin B12)
Hướng dẫn sử dụng /Cách pha:
30g  bột với 100ml nước nhiệt độ 60 độ C cho ra 130g bột thành phẩm.
Kinh Nghiệm: Pha theo  HDSD của nhà sx bột sẽ hơi bị đặc nên có thể điều chỉnh liều lựơng sao cho sánh sánh cho phù hợp với bé. Bột mở ra để nơi khô ráo thoáng mát, dùng trong 1 tháng

Welcome to our blog about the best kitchen knives for left handers! Here, we will explore the top options on the market and help you find the perfect knife for all your left-handed cutting needs. Below are some frequently asked questions about kitchen knives for left-handers to get you started.
What are the best types of kitchen knives for left-handers?
The most essential knives in a kitchen for left-handers are a chef’s knife, a paring knife, a utility knife, and a bread knife. A chef’s knife is great for chopping, slicing, and dicing, while a paring knife is great for precision work such as peeling and coring. A utility knife is great for slicing small fruits and vegetables, and a bread knife is great for slicing bread and other baked goods. Some brands like Wusthof and Global, offer left-handed version of their knives.
What should I look for when buying a kitchen knife for left-handers?
When shopping for a kitchen knife for left-handers, consider the type of knife you need (chef’s knife, paring knife, etc.), the material of the blade, and the handle. High-carbon stainless steel blades are durable, easy to maintain and hold a sharp edge, while a handle made of wood, plastic or rubber is comfortable and easy to grip. The balance of the knife is also important, the blade should be balanced with the handle to make it comfortable to use.
How do I maintain my kitchen knife for left-handers?
Proper maintenance of your kitchen knife for left-handers is crucial to ensure that they last for a long time. This includes regular cleaning, honing and sharpening, and protecting the blade from rust. Avoid cutting hard or frozen foods, acidic foods and avoid dishwasher. Also, store it in a safe and dry place, and do not leave it wet or in contact with water for long periods of time. It’s a good idea to read the manufacturer’s instructions for specific care and maintenance guidelines for your particular knife.
We hope you found this article helpful! Whenever you need to buy a new kitchen knife, left handed knives are a great option because they are much more accessible in terms of quality, price, and availability. We hope this article helps you find the best kitchen knife for your left handed needs. Let us know how it goes if you’re interested in buying one of our recommended knives! If you need some more advice on how to find the best kitchen knife for your left handed needs, please visit our website at Homecook Mom.